Welcome to the Home of the Reading Astronomical Society, we are a friendly society based in and around the Reading area of the UK.
Have you ever stepped outside on a dark night and looked up seeing stars twinkling, and wanted to know more? Then we are the society for you. We have something for everyone interested in Astronomy, from the complete beginner to the subject matter expert and for all ages.
We are a very active society, with observers regularly taking amazing images of astronomical objects whilst others are making scientific measurements to assist professional astronomers.
The Images below are just a few the amazing images taken close to Reading.

Its never too late, or too early to start your journey learning about the night sky and how we fit into the Universe.
To support our members our Society runs regular events between September and the following June each year.
Main Meetings
Monthly we have a physical ‘Main’ meeting (zoom is available). This starts with a guest speaker giving an accessible lecture on subjects as diverse as ‘Comets’ to ‘The Big Bang’. This is followed by society members showing images they have taken of astronomical objects or what they have been doing in astronomy, Questions are highly encouraged. This ‘Main’ meeting is held in St. Peter’s Church Hall, Earley, Everyone is Welcome, with your first meeting free, come along and say “hello”. Meeting dates are available on the Programme Page.
Public Outreach
Outreach. We hold a monthly outreach session we call our FridayCLUB, open to anyone who comes along on the evening. Here we give a short talk and then, weather permitting go outside and look through our member’s telescopes showing our visitors what’s visible on the night sky. See the FridayCLUB page for the site location and the Programme Page for dates. Just remember it may get chilly – bring a coat! If your organisation would like a private outreach session please let us know via the ‘FridayCLUB’ page.
Twice a month on a Friday evening we hold a free Zoom call we call ZOOMFriday where we chat about the latest Astronomy news. We discuss what’s new, and anyone can ask a question, either from that evenings talk or just something they would like to know. No questions are too simple. Check out the ZOOMFriday page for how to join the Zoom meetings and the Programme Page for the dates.
“Whatever we do we are all captivated by the night sky”
Join our NEWSLIST: email info@readingastro.org.uk to be added to our email news list. You will then receive timely notice of all of our activities.
Check our upcoming meetings and complete year’s programme.
The society respects current General Data Protection Regulations and our Data Privacy Statement is here
A Sequence of the Photographic Work of Members
Join our discussion group for members and friends; any astronomy hobbyist; in the Reading area.
You can contact us via Twitter and Facebook or email info@readingastro.org.uk.
We maintain a news list for anyone in the area to keep in touch with all our astronomy events. To subscribe, send an email to info@readingastro.org.uk.
We support the Commission for Dark Skies.
We associate with other societies in the region through SAGAS
We meet regularly at St Peter’s Church Hall in Earley.
Here is a talk in progress