On a Saturday in spring 2018 10am-5pm.
A day of seminars by local experts, on astronopmical imaging.
Past comments: Thank you for yesterday’s imaging session. It was extremely helpful and interesting and I’m sure all present are appreciative of you giving up so much of your time and secrets.
Seconded. The whole day was full of useful information. Some confirmed I am doing the right things, and some was new and eye opening. Thanks to all that presented, and all who contributed.
A day devoted to….
Imaging instruction and demonstrations
The whole day will be devoted to imaging and processing. We will be running it in the same format as our first imaging summer school. We will be covering the acquisition of the images,not necessarily talking of specific kit but basically DSLR and CCD then going into all the aspects of processing the images.
Bring along any hardware that you have questions about or computer imaging software on your own computers that might be a problem
The 2017 event will be repeated early next year in the same format.
Processing sessions cover DSLR stacking in Deepskystacker and quick process demo in Photoshop and possibly show a quick star fix using StarTools. Understanding processing packages such as Corel Paint shop Pro, Maxim DL, Registax and PixinSight.
Q&A session to end the day